All proceeds from Real Mountains support programs aimed at preserving and building Greg’s legacy and supporting the ongoing work of those who helped bring him and Walker back to their families. Please consider a tax-deductible contribution to one or more of the following important organizations. You can contribute by check or online with the convenient links below. Note “Greg Seftick” in the memo line of your check or as indicated on each website. Thank you!
Access Fund
PO Box 17010
Boulder CO 80308
Grand Teton National Park Foundation
PO Box 249
Moose WY 83012
St. Croix Valley Foundation
516 Second St.
Suite 214
Hudson WI 54016
West Virginia University Foundation
Dr. Greg Seftick Wilderness Medicine Fund
One Waterfront Place, 7th Floor
PO Box 1650
Morgantown, WV 26507-1650